Start of Project Beta
Now I have quit my day job, I have some spare time to create a new niche site. This is the start of project beta.
Where I left off
It has been about 7 months since the last time I posted an update here. And there’s a reason for that. These 7 months have been crazy. First of all,…
Monthly Report September 2019
In this report for September 2019 we see more keywords ranking and even first organic visitors from Google. Meanwhile lots of content is being created.
Monthly Report August 2019
Another month has passed by. And what a hot and sunny month it was here in Belgium. Honestly, I really enjoyed this month. Festivals, barbecues, sunny days at the beach,…
Monthly Report July 2019
The first monthly report for Project Alpha! As I started this project only a few weeks ago, it obviously makes sense that there won’t be any earnings or even vistors…
Setting up the website
This week, I’ve been busy with the basic set-up of the website. I’ve come up with a brandable domain name that was free to registere. I’ve bought the .nl tld…
Choosing a niche
This week, I’ve spent my time on choosing a niche. I’ve been looking for a niche that can use affiliate commissions as a revenue model. However, other revenue models like…
Goals for Project Alpha
Most SEO’ers think the amount of (organic) visitors are really important. I, however, don’t agree. More important to me is the value the visitors are bringing in. If I could…
What can you expect?
On this website, I want to share some of my experiences, sucesses, failures, experiments… I’ll be covering series of blogposts about the evolution of certain projects, SEO experiments as well…